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File your dormant company accounts in minutes
If your company is dormant or has not been trading in the last 12 months, use this service to prepare and file your company’s Annual Dormant Accounts with Companies House.

  • File from any device, including mobile
  • 2 hours processing time
  • Companies House authorised filing software
  • Unlimited support via chat, email and phone.

Filing dormant accounts has never been easier

If your company is dormant and has never traded, you are eligible to file dormant accounts for the company. Avoid mistakes and file quickly and easily through Online Filings.

Find your company

Find your company by searching the register, select some of our add-ons to make future filings stress-free and seamless.

Complete your forms and file your dormant accounts
Our forms are quick and easier to use. They are mobile phone friendly, allowing you to complete them at any time.

Peace of mind

You will receive an email confirmation as soon as your application has been submitted and once Companies House has confirmed the accounts have been accepted and filed.

How do you know if your company can file dormant accounts?

To file dormant accounts, ALL the below conditions must apply to your company:
  • It has not traded during its latest accounting period
  • It does not have any significant accounting transactions
  • It is not a subsidiary
  • It does not prepare accounts using International Accounting Standards (IAS)
If ANY of the below apply to your company, you CANNOT file dormant accounts:
  • The company has paid an invoice
  • The company has received income from trading goods and services
  • Has paid employees
  • Has paid dividends to shareholders

It only takes 3 simple steps to get your Dormant Accounts filed with Companies House using Online Filings.

Once the identity of the authorising director is verified,
  1. 1 Online Filings software will calculate the company’s balance sheet amounts and generate the required XBRL balance sheet statement to be filed. Simply check the figures are correct with a tick.
  2. 2 Your dormant company accounts are securely submitted to Companies House.
  3. 3 We'll email you as soon as approval is received and attach a PDF copy of your dormant company accounts.

The Online Filings Software have been used by 100,000+ small businesses in the UK to manage their business admin and give them more free time, and less hassle.

  1. 1 Online Filings Dormant Account submission process takes less than 10 minutes to complete and can be done from your mobile phone.
  2. 2 Our software contains inbuilt checks so that the dormant company can be sure it has not omitted any key information.
  3. 3 The Dormant Account Filing service is available for both companies limited by shares and companies limited by guarantee.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are ‘dormant accounts’?

Dormant accounts are a specific annual accounts filing for dormant companies only. The actual filing is what’s known as Form AA02 by Companies House.

What is a dormant company?

A dormant company is a company that had ‘no significant accounting transactions’ during its financial year. Such companies are considered inactive for Corporation Tax purposes because they are not involved in any kind of trading activity.

A business is considered dormant when it:
  • Has stopped trading
  • Is a new limited company that hasn't yet traded; or if it has
  • Had no significant transactions (does not include filing fees, penalties or money paid for shares)

Who can file dormant accounts?

Only Limited companies by shares and limited companies by guarantee are able to file dormant accounts.

They can only file dormant accounts if:
  • They have never traded (since incorporation);
  • In the case of a limited company, the only transaction in the accounting records are the initial subscriber shares (these are the shares issued upon incorporation);
  • It does not have any significant accounting transactions;
  • It is not a subsidiary; and
  • It does not prepare accounts using International Accounting Standards (IAS).

What penalties will I face if I miss my company accounts filing deadline?

Companies House will issue an automatic £150 late filing penalty if the deadline is missed.

Penalties will increase the longer a company goes without filing their accounts. If a company misses their accounts filing deadline two years in a row, the penalties levied would be doubled from the previous year.

The late filing of the annual accounts is considered a criminal offence, directors coulda face personal prosecution and receive a fine of up to £1,500. If a company repeatedly files late accounts the company could be at risk of being struck-off the register and dissolved by Companies House.

What are paid and unpaid shares?

When filing dormant company accounts, we will mark the shares as GBP Sterling by default as well as mark all shares as paid.

Paid shares means the shareholders have paid the company for their shares. Unpaid shares means the shareholders have not paid the company for their shares.

Submitting shares as unpaid means that shareholders owe money to the company, this is a tax liability as it can be interpreted that the company has lent out money to the shareholders who may then be required to submit an S419 tax charge. Contact our support team if you have any queries relating to paid or unpaid shares regarding your dormant company.

What information is required to file dormant company accounts?

  • Your company name
  • Your company number
  • Your authentication code
  • Any shares paid or unpaid
  • The name of the authorising director

How long will Companies House take to approve my accounts?

Whilst this depends on Companies House workload, dormant accounts are usually filed between 1 - 2 working days (excluding weekends and holidays).

What is the deadline for filing accounts with Companies House?

The deadline for accounts filings is unique to each company and depends on when your company was formed or when you last filed your accounts.
  • If you are filing the first accounts for your company - You must submit your deadline to submit your accounts is 21 months after of the date of incorporation.

What is a significant accounting transaction?

A ‘significant accounting transaction’ is defined as one that the company should enter in its accounting records. Examples of significant accounting transactions:
  • Payment for a physical good or service
  • Payment of an invoice
  • Interest received from a bank account
  • Bank charges
  • Paying employees or paying dividends to shareholders.

It doesn’t matter how big or small the transaction actually is. If any transaction(s) took place, the company will lose its dormant status.

There are three transactions that do not qualify as 'significant':
  • Payment for shares issued at the time of incorporation,
  • Any filing fees paid to Companies House, e.g. confirmation statement
  • Any penalties for the late filing

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